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Boneyard, Kiama, NSW

We have been in Kiama for a little over a year now. Many mothers have told me about this place called "The Boneyard", they told me it was awesome and that it is a great place for the kiddos. Truthfully the boneyard sounded kinda scary. I think boneyard and I think elephant's graveyard from the Lion King. In my mind there would be bones of animals all over the place, and if I ever went, I would be looking over my shoulder for a pack of hyenas. Look, I worry about ticks when camping, flying foxes flying over my head during evening walks ( that's a separate blog), giant spiders, swooping magpies, great white sharks and red bellied snakes. So yes, I wondered why they called it the boneyard and what kind of bones I would find. So this past week when a friend suggested we go for a hike to check it out, I thought ok, this is finally my chance. Lets just make sure the kiddos are tucked away safely at school and I will just make sure Mufasa (the hubby) is on speed dial, in case I need saving from that pack of hyenas.

I loved it! I went the next day with the kiddos, and the next day I invited some friends from out of town and took the kiddos and Mufasa (I wasn't worried about being saved though). I just needed someone to carry all of our stuff back up that steep hill when we were done. Just was a beautiful place and I wanted to share it with everyone.

No, there are no bones in the boneyard. I kept looking, thinking I would see shark bones or something, but no luck. What I did see was a beautiful shoreline and when the sun was out, the most amazing ocean colours. The water was beautiful and clear with shades of jade green and blue.

What mothers loved was the calmness of the ocean. Just a couple hundred meters away was Jones beach with pretty big surf, but here at the boneyard there were just the smallest of waves. Its a sheltered area and feels a bit like a cove. As a Mom of young kids you feel pretty confident that they can play at the waters edge and get in without being knocked over by a wave. It is located on the southern end of Cliff Drive, in Kiama Downs. Its a secluded spot and great for picnics, paddle boarding and snorkelling.

What to take: You will need water shoes, there are a ton of rocks and broken shells, sunblock and water proof insect repellant to ward off the few sandflies that we encountered.

After you park... you will follow a cemented walkway that gets pretty steep. There are also some steps, only about 8 or so, but unless Mufasa is with you, you should probably pack light. During the Summer watch for red belly snakes on the path or in the grass. Keep the kiddos close.

I do have a favourite sunscreen that I like to use of the kiddos. Its called Sunny Bunny and its an all natural sunscreen with an SPF of 50. It goes on easily and seems to last all day.

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